Business Intelligence

Empower everyone from business users to executives to make informed business decisions based on real-time data and ease the burden on IT.

Enterprise Data Access

Simplify data access for everyone—from business users to IT—with an enterprise data access solution. 

  • Run faster queries (without adding to IT’s workload). 
  • Bring data together from IBM i and remote databases. 
  • Deliver data in Microsoft Excel.

Executive Dashboard and Reporting

See data clearly. Understand trends, analyze business information, and distribute data reports with an executive dashboards and reporting solution.

  • Visualize data and spot trends faster. 
  • Create sophisticated reports anyone can understand. 
  • Free up IT time by empowering users to help themselves. 

Mobile Data Access

Make real-time business decisions wherever you are. Access live data on any mobile device with a mobile data access solution.

  • Get live data access no matter where you are.
  • Give users data without installing any extra software.
  • Make real-time decisions based on data.


Data Warehousing
Make IBM i data management easy. Ensure data quality and accuracy with a data warehousing solution. Plus, consolidate and easily interpret complex data from any database on your IBM i.

  • Eliminate data errors by consolidating data across databases.
  • Easily interpret complex data by running it through a data warehouse.
  • Secure your data and protect it from user-induced errors.

Let’s Talk About How We Can Help