The transition from office to home can be challenging, but JAV Technolgy is here to help guide and encourage you with an open line of communication, every step of the way.
Follow these 5 simple tips and you’ll be on your way to set up an awesome and productive workspace in no time!
Tip 1: Creative a Dedicated Work Area
Whether it’s a table or balcony, create a space to associate with work and disassociate from home
Add office elements to your space (ie. pen holder, calendar or notebook)
Sit near a window or get a plant and a good lamp. We’re more productive in bright and green environments.
Tip 2: Over-Communicate
List daily tasks each morning
Sync often & update progress (esp. if a task takes longer than expected)
Send end-of-day summaries
Ask again!
Create at least 2 channels of communication (email, video or conferencing) and ensure that you have the technology to support it (wifi and web camera)
Tip 3: Prevent Distractions
Is television a distraction? Work in another room.
Are the kids distracting you? Get up earlier and work before they wake up.
Is the Internet distracting? Turn off the modem.
It’s usually obvious what you should do, but you still shouldn’t overlook this piece of advice.
Lastly, avoid taking a break from technology with technology!
Tip 4: Schedule Meaningful Breaks
Planned breaks increase focus & reduce anxiety
Step out for lunch, even if it’s to the room next door
Get physical: stand up, stretch and breathe in fresh air
Tip 5: Dress for Success
Get out of pajamas and wear work clothes (even if it’s your nice t-shirt and sneakers). This mentally prepares you to get into the work zone
By implementing these tips, you’re creating a positive & productive work environment that benefits you and your colleagues!
For businesses, learn how JAV Technology can automate and innovate your business today while working at home. For inquiries, email us at